Be transported back to May 20th, 1775 when Mecklenburg rang the first bell of Independence as the people declared themselves free and independent of the kingdom of Great Britain. Held in “the square” at the corner of Trade and Tryon Streets in uptown Charlotte, this celebration includes a number of speeches reflecting pride in Charlotte’s rich historical legacy, the presentation of a proclamation, and a reading of the Meck Dec followed by cannon and musket firing salutes from 18th century re-enactors that are accompanied by shouts of “Huzzahs” from the attending crowd. Finally, a procession of an SAR honor guard marches to Settler’s Cemetery, fires a musket salute, and lays a wreath at the grave of Thomas Polk, the founder of Charlotte. Re-enactors in historic dress, drum and fife music, as well as a Memorial Musket Volley and Cannonade will make this celebration in the heart of the Queen City one to remember for another 250 years!
This event is free and is hosted by the May 20th Society, the Mecklenburg Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, and the North Carolina Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
For more information, please contact the May 20th Society, the Mecklenburg Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, or the North Carolina Society Daughters of the American Revolution directly.