Davidson Lands Conservancy will host their February Wilderness Calling event, which is all about LOVE!
The first part of the event is a hike and highlighting all the things to love about Beaty Park and then an optional work day to help show Beaty Park our appreciation. The event will kick-off with a hike that is good for all levels. Guides will talk about the history of the park and the amazing way Beaty was saved from development and then lead us through the property, highlighting a native tree project, wildlife habitats, pollinator garden, native plant beds and the pond restoration that is underway. This hike is approximately 1.5 miles and on wide packed paths.
After we complete the hike, all who are able are invited to stay for a Beaty Park work day. If you love something, then you care for it and we really love Beaty! We will join the Friends of Beaty Park and work on trails, debris, invasive species removal, and education activities, among other things. If you’re only able to come for the hike, that’s fine. If you have already explored Beaty and only want to come for the work day, that’s great too.
Read the event waiver HERE. By registering for this outing, you are agreeing to its terms and conditions. Pre-registration for the event is required. If you are unable to attend, please update your sign-up. If the sign-up is full, please email carly@davidsonlands.org to place your name on our waitlist. We are usually able to accommodate everyone.
Event Schedule is as follows:
10:00 AM-11:00 AM - History and Hike
11:00 AM-12:30 PM - Beaty Park Work Day (Optional)
For more event and workday information or to register to participate, please click the source link below.