Upcoming Events

  • Take a Historic Tour

    Multiple Dates Available Guided Tour of the Historic Hugh Torance House and Store

    Join us for a guided tour of the historic Hugh Torance House and Store, NC's oldest-standing store!  

  • Ghost Hunt

    Multiple Dates Available Ghost Hunt

    Do you think the oldest store in North Carolina is haunted? Come find out at our authentic ghost hunt led by Charlotte Area Paranormal Society.

  • 2-22-25 HEARTSongs '25: Poetry of Freedom

    4th anniversary of HEARTS inaugural event features award-winning artists, poets, dance, music, intertwined with history and nature at historic Cedar Grove.

  • 3-22-25 HEARTS Irish Connections '25

    Mark your calendars for HEARTS Irish Connections ‘25: Jane’s Famous Ride. Featuring the incredible story of Jane Parks McDowell, her Irish connections, music, dance, and more!

  • 4-12 & 13-25 Loch Norman Highland Games

    Annual Scottish heritage celebration at Rural Hill. A unique mix of the sporting, the cultural, the music and the social. Featuring field and track events, piping and Highland dancing competitions, and ‘heavy events’ like the tug-o-war, the hammer throw and tossing the caber.

  • 5-3-25 HEARTS May Day

    An outdoor event featuring 1775 history, nature, fresh flowers, live demonstrations, live music, and a community Maypole dance. On the grounds of Cedar Grove and the Hugh Torance House and Store.

  • 5-24-25 Let Freedom Spring

    Featuring Scott Syfert and David Fleming and on land once part of Alexandriana, the massive plantation estate of John McKnitt Alexander. Presented at Pioneer Springs Community School, the program features the historic Freedom Spring, where a group of Princeton scholars met to discuss freedom from British Rule, prompting the creation of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence on May 20, 1775. 

  • 6-14-24 Junion '25: Revolutionary Descent

    Our fourth anniversary of Junion, featuring Co-Chair of HEARTS Reunion Project, SAR  (Son of the American Revolution) member Andre’ Kearns, a descendant of Charlotte Kerns who was enslaved at Cedar Grove. This year, Kearns will share his journey of discovering his Revolutionary War roots through Henry Johnston of Long Creek.